I have been on a phenomenal ride this week as a direct result of stumping for votes; votes to win the Garage Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover! The support from the biker community, co-workers and family and even complete strangers has been phenomenal. I have alternately felt exhilarated, humbled, amazed, and stupefied. The one thing that has become very clear is that we are more closely connected to each other then we imagine.
Back in the 80’s when I sold Real Estate we would take continuing ed courses to maintain our state license. One of these courses explained to us sales folk that each person knows at least 200 people. If we were to be successful in our effort to earn a living in sales, we would need to start by telling each of the 200 people we knew that we sell houses and to ask them to tell their friends. Each of these friends also knows 200 people.
Also too, is the six degrees of separation theory working for me to win this contest. Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human spider Web") refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. In this age of social media, I am sure those numbers of 200 have been adjusted; but the six degrees of separation theory is proving more evident.
In an effort to gain public votes for myself, I started of course with family, friends and colleagues at work, then I branched out to my own social networks; Facebook, LinkedIn and the New England Riders primarily. I am also a member of a few others such as V Star 1300 Riders, Rumble Sisters Biker Sisterhood and Women Who Ride forums. I was not prepared for “shock and awe.” The New England Riders came to my aid with fingers punching in the votes and posting a request at their own personal social networks such as the GL1800 forum and the Riders Rally forum. The Rumble Sisters posted a call for votes on their own Facebook page and the Bee, on her own site The Bee Hive, and again on Facebook. Bee (AKA Kate) along with the New England Riders have been tireless in their campaigning on my behalf. This is the humbling part of the emotional ride for me.

Another fan of mine is Karla my tireless campaign manager in the Asian Community in Lowell MA. Karla manages our front desk, always with a friendly smile and enthusiasm. I can’t thank her enough for all she is doing to help me win this contest. Then there is Dave our facilities manager out of our Detroit office. Dave sent out a message that touched our offices around the country, and the votes rolled in. The people who are championing for me to win this contest have shown me just how much each of us affect the world around us. The Six Degrees of Separation is evident, and the lessons are clear; what we do not only affects us directly but has a ripple effect in the world. Thank you all for your tireless support. The real winners of the contest, whatever the outcome, are all of you who took time to click and vote.
A special thanks as well to David K. Headley Photography and the Amherst Motorcycle Club.
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