My first GPS unit was a Magellan eXplorist. I could not understand this unit to save my soul. It also had serious limitations. The buttons were tiny and I often fat fingered between two getting error results with my calculation. Additionally it did not reroute if you went off course. I maligned and bad mouthed the poor thing mercilessly until one day during a group ride it leaped in a suicidal arc from the handlebars. Nomad Willie behind me attempted a rescue.
“I have good news and bad news. The good news; I rescued your GPS. The bad news; three bikes ran over it first.”
A group of riders stood around me in a circle, heads bowed in solemn respect as Nomad handed over eXplorist cupped respectfully in the palm of his hands. Chinnook, one of the on-lookers in the crowd offered me his old Garmin Quest. Knowing the value of GPS units I did not feel comfortable accepting such a generous offer.
“You could sell it on eBay and make a few bucks.” I said to him.
“I’m unlikely to do that” he said. “Besides, it’s just sitting in my sock drawer. I already know the way to my sock drawer.”
In the end, I accepted, with the promise that when the day came for me to invest in a new unit, I would put it back into the group and pay it forward.
When Garmin released the Zūmo 220 in March and I read the specifications and feedback from others, I felt the time had come to invest in a new GPS. It is the more affordable model in the Zūmo line and incorporates the Nuvi platform, another popular a model from of the Garmin line. It is the best of both worlds, the popular Zūmo mated with the Nuvi platform. (More on the Zūmo in posts to come.)
Now came the time to pay it forward. I made my way to the New England Riders forum and posted a note.
“If you have never used a GPS, where thinking about it, not sure you need one, or don't want to spend the money until you can see the value of ownership send me a note. I will happily pack it all up for you.”
Then came a correspondence from Nate. Nate is the son of one of the New England Riders. He’s a college student, took the motorcycle safety course, got his license, and worked for a year saving money to buy his own motorcycle. He spent a torturous year searching for just the right bike and finally came home with a 1983 Nighthawk. (Nate has a story of his own about this) When I read Nate’s note I knew he was the right candidate for paying it forward.
Today I had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Nate and handing over the Quest. I know it’s in good hands. Nate will most likely use its features more fully than I ever did as his Dad is adept with Garmin products and will surely coach Nate in its use. When the time comes, I have no doubt that Nate will, in turn, pay it forward.
Enjoy Nate! Keep the shiny side up and happy travels to you.